set fire to the rain什么意思

Set Fire to the RainSet Fire to the Rain is a song by Adele, released in 2011. The song was a commer...

Set Fire to the Rain

Set Fire to the Rain is a song by Adele, released in 2011. The song was a commercial success, reaching number one in several countries and earning Adele numerous awards and nominations. The song's title is metaphorical, and its meaning has been the subject of much speculation and interpretation. In this article, we will explore some of the possible meanings of Set Fire to the Rain.

The Metaphor

set fire to the rain什么意思

The title of the song is a metaphor, which means that it uses one thing to represent another. In this case, rain is used to represent emotions, while setting fire to it represents a release or a tran**ormation. The metaphor is powerful because it evokes strong images and emotions, and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Here are some possible meanings of Set Fire to the Rain:


  1. Letting go of past hurts: The rain represents past hurts or regrets, and setting fire to it represents letting go and moving on. The lyrics of the song suggest that Adele is trying to move on from a past relationship, and the chorus expresses her frustration and anger at herself for still feeling the pain: "I set fire to the rain, watched it pour as I touched your face." By setting fire to the rain, she is trying to release herself from the emotional burden of the past.
  2. Passion and intensity: The rain represents passion and intensity, while setting fire to it represents unleashing it. The song is a powerful ballad with a strong beat and emotional vocals, and the metaphor of setting fire to the rain adds to its intensity. The lyrics express the raw emotions of love and heartbreak, and the metaphor adds a layer of drama and intensity.
  3. Rebirth and renewal: The rain represents a cleansing or a renewal, while setting fire to it represents a rebirth or a tran**ormation. The lyrics of the song suggest that Adele is going through a difficult time, but she is determined to come out stronger: "Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time." By setting fire to the rain, she is symbolically burning away the old and making way for the new.

The Power of Metaphor

The metaphor of Set Fire to the Rain is a powerful one, because it speaks to universal human experiences and emotions. We have all felt the pain of heartbreak, the intensity of passion, and the need for renewal and tran**ormation. By using rain as a metaphor for these experiences, Adele has created a song that resonates with people all over the world. The power of metaphor lies in its ability to evoke strong emotions and images, and to connect us to our deepest selves.


Set Fire to the Rain is a song that has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world. Its metaphorical title has been interpreted in many different ways, but at its core, it speaks to the universal human experiences of love, heartbreak, and renewal. The power of metaphor lies in its ability to capture complex emotions and experiences in a simple, evocative image. Set Fire to the Rain is a testament to the power of music and metaphor to move us and connect us to our deepest selves.

